Here is how you can help your girls! Make sure the hens always have access to fresh water and shade. Even if they are out in the run during the day, if they have an area out of the sun and a place to get a nice drink that will help immensely keeping them comfortable. If it is a really hot day you could even add a few ice cubes to their water to cool it down for them. We had a few days that were in the 90’s and unfortunately we could not stay home from work and let them be outside of the coop. Cory came up with the great idea of putting Gatorade in their water. This gave them extra electrolytes and made their water tasty and refreshing. I did later on purchase a powder that does the same thing from the local tractor supply store that you can mix in their water. I have not had to use it yet since the temperature has cooled down but it will be nice to have on hand for next year.
Fortunately, we live in a wooded area so the trees help provide natural shade that the girls can lay under. Also the hens always have access to the coop if they want to get out of the sun. You will see that sometimes they will find other alternatives for shade if they do not want to go back into the coop. I have found them all sitting under our cars or laying in the dirt behind some fencing. Finding areas where the ground is cool and where they can relax, some even take a quick dirt bath.
Believe it or not though, the girls actually enjoy laying in the direct sunlight. It is like they are trying to get a little chicken tan. They lay down on the driveway or in the yard and fluff up their feathers. Usually they are leaning to one side and they just hang out. If they feel themselves starting to get too hot, you will see them fan themselves with one of their wings. Not only will the stay in the sun, but when more than one hen is laying down they are practically on top of each other. I do not think they could get any closer if their tried. You would think they would want some space in such heat. It must be sisterly love! Hehe.
Lastly, another thing I have done is put the hose on the mist setting and just spray it over them. It was a little surprising to me that they actually seem to like walking or running through it since usually they do not like to get wet.
Lastly, another thing I have done is put the hose on the mist setting and just spray it over them. It was a little surprising to me that they actually seem to like walking or running through it since usually they do not like to get wet.